Sunday, May 3, 2009


I have commented on a blog about roommate problems.


I have commented on a blog about tattoos.


I commented on a blog about cellphones and our daily lives.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Claim: Reading is positively correlated to achieving higher academic grades.

People who read more out of class have better grades. The problem is, people are not reading much of the classics, but instead read more nonfiction books such as Harry Potter and Twilight.

Students scored higher on tests when they read more.--Source

Many people find books assigned in class boring and therefore choose not to read. Teachers should assign a bigger variety of books so students can enjoy reading.

Most readings habits are already established before a student enters college, so they are generally developed during high school.---Source

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I commented on someone's blog about Marijuana.


I just commented on a blog about motorcycles.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Unfair Distribution of Money

It's hard to believe how athletes such as basketball player Kobe Bryant are being payed millions of dollars a year to play a sport, while people in Africa and other parts of the world are living on less than a dollar a day. Money is unfairly distributed in our world today. People are dying and starving while others are living in humongous houses and driving incredible flashy cars and it is sad to see the statistics about thousands of people dying of hunger every day. The United States government should try to do more than ever to help people in our country, and those outside it. Life is a beautiful thing, and we should all be doing something to help those less fortunate.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Border Security

During our Spring Break I went to South Padre Island and I decided to visit Mexico since the border was just thirty minutes away. I had a great time in Mexico, and I visited some family and friends, and when I finally decided to cross back to the U.S. it was terrible. After waiting one hour and a half in line to get back into the United States, I finally drove up to the border patrol agent and showed my American passport. After inspecting it, the officer looked through every corner of my car, and made me get down to open the trunk. After five minutes of searching, and banging on the sides of my car he bombarded me with so many questions about why I was in Mexico, where I lived, and so on.

I feel like the border patrol is way too strict. Even after I showed my American passport and the officer looked through my car, he still asked me many questions. Being an American should guarantee easier access into the United States. Border patrol agents shouldn't treat everybody as if they were criminals, especially an American who is trying to get back into their own country. They should check for passports, look a little bit through the car, and let people pass, not detain people for fifteen, twenty minutes asking questions and making people feel uncomfortable.

Saturday, February 28, 2009


I just posted on a blog about Mexico's dangers.


I just commented on someone's blog about music. It was very interesting to see that the person felt the same as I did about music.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Bush at SMU

I had just finished taking a test for my theatre class and as my friend and I walked out of Meadows, my roommate passed by me and said “ Hey by the way, Bush is over by Fondren Science if you want to meet him”, and just walked away. I thought he was joking, but my curiosity lead me to walk over to Fondren to see what was really going on. I couldn’t really see anything at first, but as I got closer I could see a pretty big crowd surrounding somebody.

If Bush really was there, I really wanted to see all the secret service. I got a little closer and I remember seeing a whole bunch of secret service and 3 black suburban’s, and two police vehicles. It was very neat to see Bush just relax and say hello to everyone. It was very nice on his part because he could of just left SMU after teaching the politics class.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Night Danger

After a fun night out in beautiful Dallas, Texas, my friends and me decided to stop by and grab some lunch at Taco Cabana on Greenville at 2:30am. What we saw was very unexpected. There were cops everywhere. There were literally at least 2 cop cars parked at every block. I had never stayed after 2:00am in Greenville and it was quite a scary place.

As we walked into Taco Cabana I heard a yell and saw two policemen tackle a person to the floor and handcuff him on the ground. Followed by various painful yells I heard, “YOU ARE RESISTING”. After being shaken by this scary sight, we walked into Taco Cabana for a bite. We were inside for about 10 minutes and we heard someone yell, “FU**”. We turn around and saw another person being handcuffed by the police inside the restaurant.

After another scary sight we finally finished our lunch and rushed out to our car. Just as I was opening the door to get into the car we heard a girl scream. As I turned I saw a young woman fall flat on her face. I immediately assumed she was very drunk. Four policemen rushed to her but my friends and I didn’t want to see anymore, so we left as fast as we could. I hadn’t felt so unsafe in Dallas until Friday night but in time I’ll learn which places are safe and which ones aren’t.