Saturday, February 21, 2009

Night Danger

After a fun night out in beautiful Dallas, Texas, my friends and me decided to stop by and grab some lunch at Taco Cabana on Greenville at 2:30am. What we saw was very unexpected. There were cops everywhere. There were literally at least 2 cop cars parked at every block. I had never stayed after 2:00am in Greenville and it was quite a scary place.

As we walked into Taco Cabana I heard a yell and saw two policemen tackle a person to the floor and handcuff him on the ground. Followed by various painful yells I heard, “YOU ARE RESISTING”. After being shaken by this scary sight, we walked into Taco Cabana for a bite. We were inside for about 10 minutes and we heard someone yell, “FU**”. We turn around and saw another person being handcuffed by the police inside the restaurant.

After another scary sight we finally finished our lunch and rushed out to our car. Just as I was opening the door to get into the car we heard a girl scream. As I turned I saw a young woman fall flat on her face. I immediately assumed she was very drunk. Four policemen rushed to her but my friends and I didn’t want to see anymore, so we left as fast as we could. I hadn’t felt so unsafe in Dallas until Friday night but in time I’ll learn which places are safe and which ones aren’t.

1 comment:

Chris Hamm said...

You shouldn't be worried, that must have been a freak night. Doesn't it make you feel better that there are a TON of cops there rather than an uncontrolled drunken mob? It is alot better than alot of places in Dallas (don't even think about going to Oak Cliff at night!)