Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Unfair Distribution of Money

It's hard to believe how athletes such as basketball player Kobe Bryant are being payed millions of dollars a year to play a sport, while people in Africa and other parts of the world are living on less than a dollar a day. Money is unfairly distributed in our world today. People are dying and starving while others are living in humongous houses and driving incredible flashy cars and it is sad to see the statistics about thousands of people dying of hunger every day. The United States government should try to do more than ever to help people in our country, and those outside it. Life is a beautiful thing, and we should all be doing something to help those less fortunate.

1 comment:

theblogger2 said...

It's amazing to think about how there are so many different worlds in one world. I think that is it very important to always remember to help others that are less fortunate than you are. I always have to remind myself because I get used to the "world" that I live in and I have to remember to help others that are less fortunate. One thing that I think is completely wrong is how these famous athletes are yes, incredibly talented but how they complain that they are not receiving "enough" money for their talent, like 20 million dollars is not enough for one year. This is upsetting because there are people who don't make a dollar a day and can't survive and then there are people who are complaining about their salary. Of course I know this is not all famous athletes and I do hear stories that they help others that are less fortunate and I think that is awesome.